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Hiding from the Coven (Daughters of the Warlock Book 2) Page 14
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Page 14
A quiver of fear shot straight through my heart. I grabbed for her hand.
“Court, I would love to have you next to me,” I told her, searching her eyes. I needed her to understand that I would do anything to have her with me—as long as it didn’t risk her safety. “I would. And I know that you could help probably more than any other witch or warlock. I trust you one hundred percent. That’s not the reason I need you to stay home.”
She stared at me and I sighed. How could I explain this to the youngest child? She’d never had to worry about anyone other than herself.
“I can’t be out there, fighting, taking risks, and know you’re out there too,” I continued. “They will use you against me. They will figure out who you are and they will use us in order to bend us to their will. The witches on the Council are evil, and vicious and cruel. Can you imagine if I win some fight... then find out they have you, or Bella?’ I shook my head. “No. I couldn’t stand it. I’d give up my rights, my freedom, my life to save you. And the magic realm would be worse for it. Instead of helping, they’d tighten up their laws and make sure none of us would ever be free.”
Courtney looked away. I waited, needing my words to sink in. She crossed her arms over her chest, letting out a breath.
I tried to smile but found it hard. “You two are my greatest strength, and my Achilles heel,” I said warmly. I didn’t want them to think they were burdens to me. “I love you too much to ever see you hurt.”
Courtney pouted, but I could see the fight had gone out of her.
“That’s not fair Ava,” she said, her voice quiet.
I sighed, heavily. “I know.”
Maybe I was thinking too much about this one. Maybe I was protecting them by turning them into a weakness when they could be an asset. Maybe I was going about this in the worst possible way.
“You’re right,” I said. “I know I need to fight for my conviction to be overturned, but maybe we need to talk more about how I do that, and if you come with me.”
I pinched my nose. Was this the right decision? I didn’t know. But who was I to make it for them? Who was I to take away their freedom of choice?
Courtney pounded the table with her fist. “Yes! That’s more like it.”
Bella met my gaze, and my own fear was mirrored in her eyes.
“Well, let me find some more wine,” she said, slowly standing up. “I think we’re gonna need it.”
“I’ll go.” I pushed myself to my feet and wandered around the kitchen looking for a bottle I knew I could whip up in a moment with my magic.
Was Courtney right? Should I take them with me? Was I being selfish in wanting to have them safely hidden away while I went on to fight my battles alone?
I closed my eyes, wishing I could hear my mother’s voice in my head, guiding me.
Chapter 13.
I lay on the floor, studying some ancient texts about the Council we’d found in Bella’s secret stash.
“Bella what are you staring at?” Courtney asked. “You have this pinched look on your face that either something has shocked you or you’re terrible at concealing your constipation.”
“I think there’s a man walking towards our house.” Bella said, staring out the window. There was no response to Courtney’s dig, not even a pretty blush on her cheeks.
“What?” I said.
She sounded far too relaxed about the situation considering we were supposedly alone in this realm. Had this happened before when I wasn’t here?
Bella turned to me and grinned. “He’s got pointed ears and a scowl on his face,” she said. “And no, I don’t get constipated, thank you very much, Courtney. I eat my proper daily intake of fiber, so I can assure you, that area of my life is well.”
“TMI.” Courtney put her hands over her ears.
I ignored my sisters. My worry lifted so fast it was startling.
“It’s Tavlor?” My voice came out hesitant. I didn’t want to hope for something that probably wasn’t going to happen. And yet, even my magic couldn’t slow my beating heart as it increased its pace.
She nodded. “I think so,” she said. “I’ve never met anyone like him before, and that scowl isn’t easy to forget.”
I laughed out loud, unable to control myself. I jumped up and bolted for the front door. For the moment, everything else fell to the wayside—ancient spells, the Council, the protective tattoos now etched onto our skin. All I cared about was being in Tavlor’s arms once again, feeling them coil around me.
It had been a week since he’d left and I’d missed him every single day. I tried not to think about him, especially when I was still in danger. But it was impossible.
I didn’t even try to play it down. Let him think I was weak, that I was terribly romantic. I didn’t care.
I yanked open the door and ran for him, straight out the door, down the path, and into the field. The grass scratched at my ankles, as though it was telling me to calm down. The wind tugged at my hair, trying to pull me back, afraid I was going to make a fool of myself. I kept running.
Tavlor’s face lit up and picked up the pace to meet me.
I nearly tripped over myself. Had he really missed me that much?
I flew across the field as fast as my legs would carry me and threw myself into his arms. I hooked my arms around his neck, and he caught me without faltering.
He chuckled as he held me to him. He buried his nose into my hair and took a long inhale. I was suddenly grateful I had showered.
I squeezed him tightly as I inhaled his scent in return, that perfect combination of sweat, and male, and clean clothes. I let out a sigh of contentment, closing my eyes. His heart echoed in my ears and all the tension inside of me eased out.
Tavlor was here. He’s really here.
When we drew back, his face was lined with worry.
“Are you okay?” he asked, searching my face.
I laughed. It came out maniacal, crazy. I hoped I didn’t scare him off.
“Of course, I just...” I shrugged. Tears filled my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. “I missed you.”
With a smile, he cupped my face and drew me to him for a kiss. I was surprised by such a public display of affection. I wasn’t sure if he knew my sisters were right outside his door, waiting for him just as I was. If he did, he didn’t seem to care. I couldn’t help but feel a swell of happiness bubble up in my heart. I loved kissing Tavlor. But to know he wanted to kiss me so badly he was willing to do so in front of my sisters made me feel special.
His lips were soft, and cool, and I pressed myself closer, grabbing onto his robes and pulling him into me. His hand cupped the bottom of my chin, as though he was directing me, telling me what to do. He was in control and he wanted me to know it.
My pelvis throbbed. I had no problem surrendering control to him, especially when he made my body tingle all over.
I opened my lips and closed my eyes, wanting him to envelope me, surround me. Make me forget all my troubles and lose myself in the power that was him. But, of course, he had to be the one to decide that. I couldn’t say anything. I had to let him lead.
He moved his arms around my body and held me tight, creating a passionate cocoon, just for us. His other hand reached up and tangled his fingers in my hair. When he tugged back on my roots so he could deepen the kiss further, I couldn’t help but let out a moan.
Heat flowed through my body as I drank from his lips and moaned as desire swirled through my belly. I wanted him. If my sisters weren’t here, if I knew, without a doubt, that we were alone, I would have demanded that he take me right there, in the grass, out in the sun, under the blue sky.
But, alas, we were not alone, and I would have to pause my desire for him, at least for the time being.
When he pulled back, my knees were weak and my head swam as though intoxicated. I was glad he had dropped his hands to wrap around my waist, or I knew I would have fallen flat on my ass and my sisters would have had a field day.
I managed
a smile, though my lips felt bruised and probably bright red.
“Hi,” I said. I had no idea why I was suddenly shy. He knew my body better than I did. He had seen me completely naked. And yet, he could still render me into a puddle of molten caramel.
He laughed properly this time. “It’s very good to see you, Ava,” he said, his voice filled with warmth. “I have missed you also.”
I turned towards the house and began walking with him. I wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but I was scared that was too much. Which sounded silly after that heated kiss we just shared.
“Have you brought good news?” I asked, my voice cracking. I blushed even harder.
He took my hand as we walked and held it tight. “Yes, and no.”
I ignored the way my heart sunk slightly at his admission.
“But I have an update,” he continued. “It is why I came.”
I didn’t ask anymore. Courtney stepped out onto the porch and moved to meet us in the field while Bella lingered in the doorway. Both had small smirks on their faces, though Bella did have a telltale blush, as though the thought of romance with someone as gorgeous but as different as Tavlor was something she still wasn’t used to.
“Tavlor!” Courtney greeted when he was closer.
He nodded, though he didn’t let go of my hand.
“Courtney.” His voice was slightly wary, slightly friendly.
We walked down the little path to the house together and crossed over the threshold.
“Is Bella here too?” Tavlor asked.
I opened my mouth, ready to point out that Bella was just in front of the door, but she was gone, almost as though she’d ducked inside when she realized we were coming closer. That little sneak!
At that moment, I realized that was a strange question to ask. Why wouldn’t she be? Why did he want to know?
“Of course,” Courtney said. “I think she went to the kitchen.”
We all made our way through the house and sat down in the lounge, arranged on the couch and armchairs.
Bella returned from the kitchen and pulled one of the dining chairs over so we could all sit on separate pieces of furniture while still facing each other.
“Bella.” Tavlor nodded. He was the first to initiate the greeting. Apparently, he was working on his politeness. He was still tense, but this time around, he seemed less suspicious. That had to mean something.
Bella nodded back. “Tavlor.”
He smiled more genuinely this time and I made a mental note to ask Bella more about the Fae and their customs. Maybe I was missing some major etiquette cues that I didn’t know about. Even so, I wished he would tell me. I didn’t want to offend him, and I was sure Courtney didn’t want to either. Then again, Courtney might know and choose not to adhere to it. Not to be purposefully upsetting, but because she was stubborn and she had her own way of handling people.
“Is everything okay?” I asked him.
He didn’t respond straight away. Instead, he stared at me in a way that told me that things weren’t as well as he’d like. He didn’t want to scare my sisters. He was keeping quiet for their sake. And, to a degree, mine.
“That bad?” I asked.
He inclined his head.
“They aren’t any better,” he said carefully.
I inhaled sharply, my chest aching. Damn! Why had I hoped that my father or Tavlor could have worked a miracle by now? It wasn’t Tavlor’s fault.
But my father...
Why couldn’t he be more courageous? Why couldn’t he step up for us?
“Go on,” Bella said.
Tavlor glanced between us. “Firstly, I was asked by your father to send his regard to you all. He is most unhappy that he can’t be the one to liaise with you.”
Bella and Courtney both looked at me, their eyes wide.
“All of us?” Bella repeated.
“As in, us too?” Courtney asked.
Tavlor smiled. “Yes. He is... unusually conflicted about how to play his part in this.”
I snorted. As much as I wanted to believe what he was saying about my father, it was difficult.
“Good to know he can’t work out just how much to lie,” I muttered, more to myself than to anyone else in the room.
Tavlor stared at me. I looked up at him, unsure why he was looking at me like that.
“You shouldn’t think of it like that,” he said, his tone serious. His eyes penetrated me and I shifted my shoulders, trying to get rid of the sensation.
I huffed out a laugh, though it wasn’t funny. “Shouldn’t I?” I asked. “My father lied to the whole Council about who I was, knows the existence of my sisters, and does nothing but sit pretty in his powerful position and lie to keep his status.”
I crossed my arms over my chest and stared back at Tavlor, challenging him to correct me with an arched brow. I’d like to see him explain that to me.
He shifted in his chair though he didn’t actually look away. “The High Warlock gains nothing by losing his position, and his life, Ava,” he pointed out, his voice surprisingly gentle. “He has to act strategically. For you, for your sisters, and his own well-being.”
I looked away. I hated to admit that Tavlor’s explanation made sense, more sense than I wanted it to.
“It’s still horrible to be in my shoes, Tavlor,” I insisted. “He could be helping me, and instead he’s hiding.”
Tavlor reached out and lifted my chin with his fingers. “No, he’s not,” he said. “He’s researching and covertly asking everyone he knows for favors, finding out what can be done. If we can bring you home and put you rightfully on the seat next to him.”
Tears swam in my vision and I struggled to swallow. Unfortunately, that was exactly what I wanted to hear. And the ice around my heart, my anger, melted like a snowflake in summer.
“But...” I let my voice trail off. I didn’t want to feel sympathy for my father. It would cause all of my emotions regarding him to come crashing around me. It was easier to just be mad.
“There are no buts...” Tavlor corrected. “This is a difficult, and delicate, time. We need to be careful, and we need to do this right. There will be no second chances if your father is hung for treason. Which is very possible if he is caught.”
“Treason?” Bella repeated, as though tasting the word on her mouth and trying to figure out if she liked it or not. “Explain that to me.”
Tavlor let go of my chin and turned towards my sister, allowing me a moment to get my thoughts in order.
If my father wanted me at his side, in the magical realm, then that was where I should be. Fighting to be with him. Fighting with him. Protecting him if he needed it. Not hiding here. Not putting my sisters at unnecessary risk. If my father knew about them, did the Council?
Tavlor explained all the details of my father’s case to Bella and Courtney, while my resolve solidified. I couldn’t simply sit back and wait for everything to fall into place. I couldn’t. It could be years. I couldn’t wait years. I had already done that, thanks to Mother. I needed to act.
When there was a gap in the conversation, I grabbed Tavlor’s hand, wanting his attention, but also needing an excuse to touch him. A spark nipped at my skin, reminding me of all of the possibilities, all of the things that hand had done to my body.
“I want to come with you,” I said. I cleared my throat as my cheeks pinched. I hoped he wasn’t looking through my mind. “Back to the magical realm.”
Tavlor’s frown etched deeper into his skin. “You can’t come, not right now,” he said, his voice firm. “That’s not what I came for.”
“I know,” I said flatly. “But I can’t just sit here and hide for the rest of my life.”
“It wouldn’t be that long...” he said, though I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
He didn’t know how long this stale mate would continue.
So, I tried another tact.
“How’s the bounty hunt going?” I asked, looking at the nails on my other hand, tr
ying to be casual.
He frowned. “It’s mayhem,” he said. “We’ve had complaints in every realm of people being assaulted, followed, captured. All in the name of this crazy... witch hunt the Council has pushed upon people.”
I stared at him, horror ripping through my chest. I swallowed, but my throat had suddenly morphed into cement. There was a witch hunt going on in the magic realm that was affecting other people This was my fault. People were getting hurt because of me.
I needed to do something about it.
“Then I have to go back,” I said, releasing his hand so I could put mine on the table as I stood up. “There’s no choice.”
Tavlor shook his head. “No.” There was no room for argument in his voice. “It’s too dangerous.”
“For who?” I asked, anger whirling in the pit of my stomach. “How many people are you going to let die in the name of keeping me safe?”
His jaw tightened as I watched him struggle with emotions and thoughts.
I knew he wanted to say that he would let people die if it kept me safe, but his heart wouldn’t allow those words to emerge. He cared too deeply. Especially for those who were helpless in this.
He would always put duty first. And that wasn’t a bad thing.
“Tavlor, I can’t sit here for months, years... waiting for the storm to blow over,” I said, looking into his eyes and pleading with him. “And if my father, or his side-kicks never find a way around the ruling, then I’ll never be able to return to the magic realm.”
Tavlor glanced around. He swallowed. Instantly I knew that what he was going to say wasn’t going to be something I wanted to hear.
“That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?” he asked tentatively. “You’re safe here, I can visit, we can...”
He stopped, I assumed because I was putting as much anger into my glare as possible. My fingers dug into my palms so tightly, they would leave tiny little crescent-shaped marks.